April 21

The Biggest Struggle People Have With Blogging


The Biggest Struggle People Have With Blogging

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  • The Biggest Struggle People Have With Blogging
The importance of blogging has increased over the years and it is still the number one way of educating your audience about you and your business. However, it appears that many people still struggle with blogging, which means that they end up leaving it in the “too hard” basket and it never gets done! This is very damaging to your business and means that you are missing out on potential business. Can your business afford to do this? There are many reasons why people do not blog:
  • Time poor
  • Not sure what they should write about
  • Not sure what to do with the blog once it is written
  • They don't like the idea of writing
  • They don’t know how to write
  • They simply don’t understand the importance of blogging
These are all valid reasons, however, it is not a good enough reason to not blog at all. If you answered yes to any of these reasons, then you should seriously consider outsourcing your blogging. Many businesses either hire someone full time to look after all their social media and blogging, while others outsource to experts in the industry. The biggest struggle people have with blogging is finding the time to actually do the blogging themselves. It is very timeconsuming, especially if you need to do some research on certain aspects of your products or services. It really is important to have a strategic plan in place for your blogging to follow so that you can easily reach your end goal. Many businesses tend to write about different topics that don’t lead into another topic of interest. Just like in your business or personal goals, as mentioned above, you need to have it planned out making sure that you are working towards your goals. It is also very important to test and measure what blogs are working and getting results. If they are not working, you need to take a look and work out why. If certain blogs are working, then you need to elaborate on those topics more so that your audience can get lots of benefit and value from your valuable information on these specific topics. For your blogs to be effective, you need to write them on a consistent basis. One each week is the ideal or at the least minimum, you should be writing a blog post once every two weeks. Your blogs need to contain valuable information that educates your audience about you and your business and at the same time you should be enticing them to want to know more. By doing this, your reader will want to contact you to find out more. If you can make your reader feel comfortable with you, they will want to connect with you. The whole aim of your blog is to educate and engage with your audience. Writing blogs on a consistent basis will showcase your business as the authority in your particular market. Your readers will know that you are the “Go To” person in your industry. If you are time poor or need help with your blogging, please contact us so that we can help you stand out from the crowd. Are you sick of struggling with your blogging?
About the author  Sue

Sue, sometimes referred to as the “People Whisperer” for her coaching skill that brings out the best in people, is known for her practical, street-savvy style; Sue's fusion of real-life stories and her conversational techniques connect with her audience at an intimate, intense and individual level.

Sue shares her success and guides others through a step by step process to find their soul language that illuminates their path and lights the way for others by sharing their story through the written word.

Sue Kennedy

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